“Zee reports USG cost as Rs. 3” This open reply letter by doctor is a must read
The Zee news carried out an ill-informed program on the cost and pricing of several clinical investigations. The news report is perfectly rebuked in this open letter. Dr. Sudarshan Deshmukh has nailed each and every point logically and come up with this post.
“Dear Mr. Subhash Chandra,
Thank you for high lighting the services of radiologists and pathologist on your show. You have made a common standard for people who are qualified doctors and some who are running businesses.
However, you and your team have been very nonchalant about what goes in to giving a good Xray, sonography and CT scan report.
Do you think it is a joke to be doing these scans and putting ourselves on the line to make sure a patient and the attending physician get a cue as to what is the illness he is suffering from?
Do you think that the experience we have obtained after 16 – 20 years of practice does not go in providing the report?
Corporation charges goes upto ₹35000 yearly. PCPNDT registration costs goes upto ₹15000
Have you and your journalists tried to find out the cost of equipment, its maintenance , electricity, staff, time of the doctor, real estate, and the cost to adhere to AERB and PCPNDT requirements and the cost of the mental pressure the doctor is to give accurate reports?
Some of us who are plainly interested in doing good work, invest about 60 lacs in an ultrasound equipment and 1.5 Cr in CT scan equipment and 8 to 9 Cr in an MRI equipment.
Have you given a thought to the time we spend away from our families, attending meetings and conferences, refining our skills so that we can provide better careand reports tot he patients?
Do you know how much radiologists and pathologists are paid in other countries? They are paid the least in India, compared to most of the other countries.
Please understand the repercussions before putting up these reports on a channel like yours.
Even to have a chai it costs more than 3 rs and you are saying it costs 3 rs to do USG.
Your channels costs only 1 paise per month but charge at least ₹50 from at lest 10 crore people and you give such bull@#&t news.
Do you guys have any brains at all or have you done your research at all before putting up figures like this?
Is it all to increase the popularity of your channel, at the cost of the medical community? We, Indian, doctors are considered the best in the world. And most of practise so much charity, that many people cannot imagine, even more than some NGOs and government institutions.
Please come to us for a sonography next time and we will do it free BUT THEN WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF THE REPORT.
If you do not want us to get paid as professionals, then we are not liable for the accuracy as well.
I hope you do bring out the correct facts in your channel, instead of trying to bring out a story which will increase the ratings of your channel.
Dr Sudarshan Deshmukh”
The post should reach the intended person. Such ruthless reporting from main stream media erodes the general confidence of the patients in doctors. We must not let these baseless journalism ruin the perception of doctors.
Image and Photo Credits : Dr. Sudarshan Deshmukh
I agree with Dr. Deshmukh… The news channels are always seen to give a damn about anything they report for some f&#%#ng rating points….only TRP matters for them , not the truth….. And Zee News is at the top of it..
In our childhood days there were some magazines published like Satyakatha & Manohar kahaniya and read by some class of people.Now a days these news channels are provoding same level of news and provocating public against doctors.
Dear Dr Chandra and Zee media
Enough said.
Yours sincerely,
A medical student
In 5 star hotel the rent of a room is around 10000-15000 rs with a check out at 12 noon. Does not matter what your entrance time is.
They will provide you with a LCD & AC & a servant on call.
In an ICU setting, a doctor provides a monitor which costs 3 times the LCD and a running AC for 24 hours whereas in hotel, AC will run only when you are inside the room.
A ventilator in ICU which is not comparable with anything in hotel.
ICU also provides the services of a doctor nursing staff and a sweeper for 24 hrs.
There are so many things in an ICU which makes ICU installation much costlier than 5 star hotel room .
The charges are only 3000 to 6000 rs
Yet people feel jolly after checkout from hotel and afer discharge from ICU they will say “doctor ne loot liya”
Totally agreed, if people can spend 10-20 thousand rupees for shopping thing then why can’t on their LIFE!
Journalist news reading cost is zero but they charges minimum 2-3 lakhs per month.Which indirectly comes from the common people. These idiot journalists who keep on shooting self-immolation show for their channels TRP is teaching DOCTORS the lession of humanity. Now talk about Jindal-Zee News exortin case.This news channel is telling us what amount should we charge.These news channels which spread rumors at the time of natural calamity is showing us the right path.
Well I dnt understand why it’s only doctors who are the target for what so ever.doctors in india work in extreme conditions wid less available things in ur so called government hospitals.they work even if manpower is less.public feels easy to hit doctors on duty whether female or male.efforts put a doctor are never appreciated. In government hospital every exprnse is incurred by government. Who vl do it in pvt? Any ideas!!!!
So plz stop targeting doctor for ur selfish gains n cheap trp ratings.
Hello friends
Its market decide how much Lab or USG and CT or MRI charges NOT ignorant Journalist.
Dear journalists,
I am very curious to find out which malaria test costs Rs 2
A simple syringe and needle to draw the blood would cost more. If you could tell us this revolutionary diagnostic technique costing only Rs 2 , it would be a boom to healthcare.
And regarding X RAYS . Can u get normal passport photograph for 20 bucks
How the hell do u expect a X RAY for 20 bucks
It’s cheap journalism… Targeting the doctors that will grab attention of the masses
These bullshit reporters have brain less than insects. In their turn they threaten people’s, publish false news, shit news & earn crore of rs. per month. Doctors who spend their half of life in understanding disease, diagnostic methods & treating patients, doing greatest service & charges nominal for this greatest service. These Z News fools are saying 3 Rs. for usg….. what a joke….. even a cup of tea cost Rs. 5-10. What about Doctors fees, Manchine charges, staff charges, electricity charges, Property tax, Registration charges etc.??? Still doctors take nominal charges & serve the peoples.
I get completely burned from inside, reading these news, I am still studying in post graduation at age of 29, and still need to go next 3 years for super specialisation. I think of replying in crude hindi words, used to abuse and say “have and gain some knowledge before speaking” ,but then a thought comes in my mind, if these idiots had brains, they wont have been media persons.
Well m running a diag centre i was very much astonished by the behaviour of so called journailst which they dont seem to like to be journalists , but bunch of fools creating a havoc in the market by false news these news channels should be banned if a ultrasound will cost rs 3 whos is goin to pay for the establishment expenses machines are in lakhs and once they get broken engineer charge us in lakhs too who is goin to pay them and what about the doctors who came holding up big degrees spending decades in understanding diseases and what about the para medics does these journalist will pay them and lif this is the story in their mind y do these chanels take lakhs for advertisements when they r just like free to air , india will definately improve but they will remain the same as they were 100 yaers back , running after cars and chasing people and airing false news just to have a MASALA for their channel
Well said Dr deshmukh.
Its very unfortunate to see/ listen such kind of news on national channels. These are kind of persons who force us to leave our country out if compulsion.
Cost of releasing this news bulletin may not be evn three rupees if you access in the same way . they are jus sitting in front of camera n speaking . Wat may be the cost I think 50 paisa only .
yes it may take 5 rs to file a 20 lack case in consumer court but scanning usg,ct and mri never costs that much atleast 500-700 for usg. 1500-5000 ct and 4000-8000 mri
ever repoting this news never cost chandra rs 3 must have spent 500rs petrol to get the report
Get well sooooon, Mr Subhash
When I read the heading “USG costs Rs.3” , I got confused with its full form….
Mr Subash needs psychiatric counselling….he should be given free of cost and all investigations & medicines free….These idiots make mockery of whole system ..even mockery of their own media. ..dumbo Subash
I think the journalists are saying.. usg report print karne keliyae thin rupya karcha hoga… people are wrongly understood the msg…
Hello Dr. Deshmukh and others, u are wasting time and energy counselling someone like Subhash, who does not have brains to understand, Heart to empathise or common sense to help poor. He is a moron who values everything in terms of money, no point talking to these guys.
Dear Dr Chandra and Zee media,
1. Why amir khan charges Crore for single episode even no expenditure.
2. What is expenditure of singer for a song in a film and you know how much they charge.
No need to give you more examples.
You must consult a psychiatrist.
Sorry to say
Hello Doctors,
I salute Dr.Deshmukh & all others for highliting a very true reality to Subhash
i agree with all doctors comments for Subhash..
subhash get well soon yaar..Plz talk Sense..
i think we all should not waste time in such bulshit..
(Bandar kya jaane Aadi ka swaad.) Leave this matter sir. Just we will waste our time for arguing these kind of people. Thank you.
Media cannot fool the viewers, even the patient understands the setup cost, lastly its the doctor who comes to rescue not the foolish media people or any reel life hero amir khan.
even if we take 1000 rs for usg ..people have got no option other then paying…we have earned that position…but still doctors charges a reasonable fee only…not lyk d foolish journalist who try to gain same with false reports..
Well that’s the reason why Gen.V.K.Singh told Presstitute to these so called media .
In today’s scenario Dr.is a very soft target for everybody.
It’s time now that Dr’s should come on one platform and raise their voice against these kind of cheap and baseless media.
I feel all of this is because there is no fear, let alone respect, in the common people and the media for doctors. They are afraid of local goons, rapists and the mafia. So they will dare not say or do anything about it. They feel ” He’s just a meek doctor. There’s nobody to back him up. We can nab him whenever we wish, for whatever stupid reason.” Just as is the image of a typical doctor in the hindi movies. The government must take strict steps about this bulls*** but, call me cynical or whatever, that’s never going to happen. Because its a people’s government. It’ll never go against the people be it at the cost of the social security of us doctors.
I think Subhash Chandra needs to take a serious note of it . It is not necessary that this news item had approval of Chandra. But at least he can look into d matter nd openly regret as was done recently by Hindustan Times in a case of stent reported as wire in abdomen.
Actually we should now called as pure professional on the top of our voice as society now firmly believe that we r corrupt businessman. And we r still fooling around thinking we are serving people. Because of this believe we get hurt when someone says something bad about us. We should now tell the society that we r most qualified people around without which society suffer heavily. We don’t need status of God, let us be human and pay us per our services and don’t blame others wrong doing on us. As regards to cut money even a doctor don’t demand it, the charges is not lowered by Labs, patient have to pay totally even if doctor don’t getting cut. Please be professional and called you self health provider not server.
Common man is definitely fleeced by Doctors. Whatever Dr Deshmukh mentioned is partly right. But the centers definitely make a huge profit. Also the centers or the doctors dont pay anything from their pocket but get loans from Banks. This is the only reason why the referral fees are so high.
Go to a GP with a cough and cold and be rest assured that you are going to pay a bomb just to treat that.
Also most of the doctors coming out from colleges have paid huge capitation fees to get in survive and get out. How do they recover it?
Nothing wrong but end of the day the screwed MIDDLE CLASS is fucked royally.
So “Dont worry, Be Happy”
Subhash bhai, please grow your business with your stupid news and serials, Deshmukh Sir, fleece middle class and grow.
I would be glad to direct all my needy patients to the lab n diagnostic services, if started by Mr subashchandra n zee channel at the cost published by them …come on don’t brag about the hypothetical findings to increase the trp, but start in realty to see if you can practice what u preach.
Need a law to restrain non medicos from going public with personal opinions.. Only people with expert knowledge can give opinions on any matter in any public platform
Chandra its easy to comment as commom people.. being a journilist learn to report something real.. dont provoke the common people for wrong information. .. u may be a fake journalist..but not a doctor .
Koun dekhta hai aisa bakwaas news channel. Mr. Shubhash chandra apne girebaan me dekho tumne ghotala kiya hai citi cable ke through. Inquiry is going on. Nw its yr time
Todays newsheadings show that rhe man has not paid the eminent cricketers like Prassana ,Karsan Ghavari and many more till date ,whom he hired for flopped ICL,hope he run a show on himself also to clear his stand.Very easy for others to pull the pants of someone else.
Media ko azadi hai logo tak sach pahochane ki,na ki jhuth ko sach karke pahochane ki.
Zee is a joke anyway … They are a bunch of failures and want to hog the limelight. Stop doing senseless journalism and do some real work
May be our fellow psychiatrist are ready to treat zee channel team and crew members free of charges
The real gernalist will not make any comment or such talk. May be he would have got the gernalism degree or else from hokas focas college.
truly said !!! i completely agree in our country the fact why most docs wud settle abroad and serve them is bcoz of our countries cheap publicity and thinking …most news channels and reality shows hosted by so called A listed actors talk rubbish stuff about our medical profession .
but i thought a lot over it and believe me if they are 90% at fault we too are 10% at fault. we must revault against their insane rubbisg acts but at the same time we must bring about following changes.
1) as doctors in our community we must remove the weak links which are susceptible to public humiliation.
eg: comparing neighbouring doctors fees and changing their own rates behaving like a fish market for bargaing.. we as a national board meet should fix a range if not exact below and above charges can be done onli after a major cause for doing so.
2)we must respect our fraternity and try support every doctor when we feel there is a need to reply back to society .we should be comforted by our good time and lkeave our fellow doctor bear the gruelling brunt of cheap society.
3) we must take out some time and make the society realise what goes into making a doctor .. we toil the entire age and be so busy in our work little do we realise that in todays age words sell …when actors say they had to work on their birthday or do a small research on their character our governments pays tribute by distributing padma bhushan n padma shri but we doctors hardly have any relaxation vacations and we toil all our lives to be updated with recent research and knowledge dont we doctors owe more respect or awards. thats bcz we fail to bring into light and promote ourselves.we must realise we are not bhramacharis or saints without family ..after al some money is needed by us too to feed those who are at home at the end of the day .
4) UNITY thats the catch if our entire nations doctors respect each and every doctor and join hands at a large scale we can raise our opine and make ppl realise why we deserve much much more that these cheap talks.
I am not someone with enough grey hair to justify why am i suggesting at such an early stage of life but am sure a good suggestion needs logic and zest to carry it forward. A humble pleed to all indian doctors.
After all the years we put up in studies. All the expenses we bear while studying and afterwards in equipments and corporation documents and various bills and maintenences ,we should be charging way beyond the fees we charge now. And how the hell can these people come up with such news? Its the height of insanity. 3 Rs? I dont know what to say! I think even the chai on streets wont cost less than 10rs
Dear Mr Chandra,
Please tell how much you pay a news announcer who only speaks ,and costs nil ?
Plz Mr shubass do test limits
I would suggest Mr Subash Chandra to start diagnostic centres throughout India from Kashmir to kanyakumari after shutting down his zee channel, since according to him is very profitable.. Instead of 3rs let him charge rs 30 for USG(ie 10 times the charge suggested) rs 500 for CT and some rs 1000 for MRI.. And surely he will be the richest man on earth…
Good job dr deshmukh
U won’t get these services in govt hospitals too at that cost
I am really surprised to see this conversations going on. I would like to urge my media friends, kindly think before you make such reports. Do you think an X ray and CT scan / USG is just like to photo film that any one can read and understand?
It is like a ocean, you have to pick up the right diagnosis out of it!
To pick up the right finding, the cost a doctor for value he/she invests which involves –
His readings through pages and pages of hundreds of books
His heart and soul to understand and practice
His sleepless nights through peak of his / her teen age/ early 20 – 30 years, when all other professionals will be enjoying their life
Meet a Medical student/post graduate in his/her hostel room or reading room, you will understand what it is…………….
My strong suggestion to Zee News reporters is to Kindly do some good home work before you prepare such reports.
How many doctors honestly pay the taxes???????? We all know the answer. Rather than providing service you people have made it business irrespective of patient gets cured or dies………..only few doctors charge reasonable .you people take advantage of ill and poor people. For Show you people provide services/consultation at government hospital and divert patient to your private costly hospitals. First look into your wrong doings before questioning others
In India the status/earning seems to be in descending order.Dropouts/illiterates (politicians) are ruling us.other graduates are talking like these frustrated/ jealous zee channel people.I think it’s right time for us to come out and form a talented forum to fight against these brainless people who have spoiled our nation.
Let it be fight between Brain verses Drain.
I guess its time to stop criticizing media and file a case against them with multiple IPC sections. Spreading rumours which can affect any community is a punishable offence isn’t it! These bastards are fearless…. May be I too can file a complaint. Criticism doesn’t help much I guess.
I guess its time to stop criticizing media and file a case against them with multiple IPC sections. Spreading rumours which can affect any community is a punishable offence isn’t it! These bastards are fearless…. May be I too can file a complaint. Criticism doesn’t help much I guess.or instead it self,I think I can persuade the president of IMA to do something. Aamir khan had done nothing compared to this. At least his intentions were pretty clear.
Zee is a Kena Punda Channel viz Chutiya viz Behenchod viz Thevidya.