The Union Cabinet is planning to consider making some changes to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971 to increase the upper limit for termination of a pregnancy from 20 to 24 weeks. The move aims at easing abortion laws in the country. Over the past few years, there have been strong demands to […]

To provide better healthcare facilities for the people, the National Health Authority(NHA) has adopted the Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs) for their claim at adjudication. These guidelines have been framed by the Indian Council of Medical Research Institute (ICMR). For developing the adoption and implementation of STG’s in the Ayushman-Bharat Prime Minister Jan Arogya Yojna (AB-PMJAY), […]

In a breakthrough, the researchers have cleared a major obstacle in the development of an HIV vaccine, proving in animal models that effective, yet short-lasting antibodies can be coaxed into a fighting force against the virus. The study was led by a team of researchers at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI) and Boston Children’s […]

India is one of the countries which has the highest incidence of TB in the world, leading to an over 60% reduction in usage of the medicine. Now, to curb the existing scenario, a new, simple and more affordable treatment for latent tuberculosis are on the way! A Mumbai-based pharma company Macleods pharma is all set to become […]

Health authorities in Spain have confirmed the first-ever case of Dengue virus to be transmitted through sexual contact. The virus was thought to be transmitted only by mosquitoes until now. According to the health officials from Madrid Public Health Department, a 41-year-old man from Madrid contracted dengue after having sex with his male partner. The […]

To become a doctor is a dream of many. But one can feel the real struggle when they jump to the environment of the medical college. It can take a toll on the mental health of the students. Considering the back-to-back incidences of medical students’ suicides and violence against resident doctors, Indian Medical Association(IMA), in […]

The latest research challenges the notion suggested by a growing body of evidence that inflammation and depression are intimately linked. Their findings appear in the journal Psychological Medicine. Since the past few years, the idea that inflammation may be what drives and characterizes depression has been gaining more and more ground. For example, in 2015, found […]

A new proof-of-concept study led by researchers from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom suggests that a new drug, called “etokimab,” could be an effective alternative for atopic dermatitis. Their findings appear in the journal Science Translational Medicine, and the researchers thank AnaptysBio, a clinical-stage antibody development company, for funding the small trial. Atopic Dermatitis […]

This year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine has been awarded to three physician-scientists for their discoveries on ‘how cells sense and adapt to oxygen and availability’. The award was shared by William Kaelin Jr at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard University in Massachusetts, Sir Peter Ratcliffe at Oxford University and the Francis Crick Institute in […]

The scientists from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Italy are developing a technology that can completely bypass the eyeball and send messages directly to the brain to restore vision to the blind. They will be doing this by stimulating the optic nerve with intraneural electrode known as […]