Assaults on the doctors and other healthcare professionals have become a trend in our society. Not long before, a young intern of Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata suffered skull damage after a brutal attack in June. Now adding a new case to this trend, a postgraduate medico at Minto Ophthalmic Hospital […]

Erramatti Mangayamma wouldn’t have thought that her delivery could create a stir across the country. When 74-year-old Mangayamma from Andra Pradesh delivered twin girls through IVF, she set a world record by reportedly becoming the world’s oldest mother. Without doubt, it is a medical breakthrough, but does that mean that there isn’t a fine line […]

A 74-year-old woman from Andhra Pradesh might have become the oldest ever to give birth after delivering twin girls on Thursday. The woman, Erramatti Mangayamma was able to conceive through IVF and delivered the twin girls via cesarean section in a private hospital in Guntur. According to the Times of India report, Mangayamma had married […]

The government has decided to make it mandatory for all medical colleges to have emergency medicine department by 2022. This initiative aims at improving the trauma care of the country. V K Paul, the Board of Governors chairman said that they want to develop a cadre of emergency medicine specialists so that one doesn’t have […]

After a long wait, the cabinet has approved the National Medical Commission Bill 2019(NMC). The bill aims at overhauling the systems in medical education in India and replace the Medical Council of India with a National Medical Commission. The Bill will reduce the cost of private medical education, ease the burden of entrance exams on […]

After capping the price of stents and knee implants, the government is now planning to further regulate the medical devices industry in the next five years. The government is now working on a proposal to formulate a pricing policy for over 6,000 medical devices like pacemakers, hearing aids, glucometers, and blood pressure instruments. The proposal […]

Acknowledging the importance of research in learning, the Medical Council of India Board of Governors (MCI-BoG) has introduced a compulsory online course in basic research methods for all postgraduate students in the country and the faculties without prior research training. The course will be mandatory for the medical PG students being admitted from the academic […]

The doctors who have completed super-speciality courses in the UK can register in India now. Bringing a huge relief to a large number of doctors who have completed super-speciality courses in the UK, the MCI-BoG has decided to approve their certificate of completion of training (CCT) for registration in the country. India hadn’t granted recognition […]

The Indian Medical Association(IMA) has requested for setting up counselling centres and a 24×7 helpline in all medical colleges and teaching institutions to help students deal with mental health issues. The IMA has also launched an initiative named Doctors 4 Doctors(D4D) which aims at preventing burn out, address mental health challenges and reduce the incidents […]

AIIMS New Delhi completes trials for a low-cost, painless ‘Pocket Colposcope’ for cervical cancer screening, developed by Duke University. The new device will cost 500$ against the $15,000 of the currently used machine. The results of the trials are yet to be published. Talking about the results, Dr Neerja Bhatia, professor of gynaecology at AIIMS, […]