A recent report in the media mentions how the number of claims of medical negligence has gone alarmingly high in the country. In fact, a study conducted by advocate, Mahendra Kumar Bajpai- a leading authority on medical law shows that the number of such cases go up by 110% every year in India. As per […]

The proposed National Medical Commission Bill (NMC Bill) which seeks to dissolve MCI has seen doctors across the nation protesting, terming it “an undemocratic move.” While that being the case, here are what some of the concerned doctors have to say about it. ‘Highly detrimental to budding doctors’ Dr Manish Prabhakar is the president of […]

Over the last six years Dr Raman Kakar has made a list of 5,300 cases in which patients suffered from a relapse of TB even after they completed the full medication dose. The doctor noticed that in multiple cases, the patients had completed the full medication course on six occasions but still the disease reared […]

Neglecting injuries from needles while attending to patients exposes 73% of doctors to blood transmitted diseases, according to a recent study conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi. The study lists inexperienced doctors- those below 25 years of age in the high risk category. But resident doctors in Maharashtra said that there’s only minimal awareness about needle […]

As per an IndiaSpend analysis of census data, the death of every other newborn in India is due to either low birth weight(LBW) or premature delivery. This is a reflection of the poor maternal health and an inadequate healthcare system. India reports the highest number of neo-natal mortality in the world: about 7,00000 every year. […]

They say that changes are inevitable. And though many doctors feel that many things in the medical landscape are not changing as fast as they should, some things are prone to make a transition. Here are three practices that ought to be outdated in the near-future. 1.Not putting what a drug treats on the label […]

Despite the high levels of violence that many Maoist affected areas experience, more number of doctors are now opting to work in such regions. The higher salary packages and other perks on offer are deemed as the major reason. In the last two months alone, more than 84 super-specialists and medical officers have joined to […]

At a discussion, the Indian Medical Association(IMA) held that in most of the cases in which actions were taken against doctors for neglect in duty, they have failed in proper documentation which becomes mandatory in case of eventualities. At the discussion the panel-comprised of experts from different fields including law, forensics and others highlighted a […]

The Medical Council of India’s latest order for doctors is that they should write legibly on prescriptions, preferably in capital letters. The gazette notification regarding this came out last month. It says, “Every physician should prescribe drugs with generic names legibly and preferably in capital letters, and he/she shall ensure that there is a rational […]