Revoking the shocking memories of Gorakhpur infant death of August 17, as many as dozen infants have died at the JK Lone Hospital in Rajasthan’s Kota within the last five days. With this, the death toll has reached 91. According to a newly appointed superintendent of the hospital, Suresh Dulara, out of the total, 14 […]

A draft bill by the health ministry to penalise those assaulting doctors and other healthcare professionals has been rejected by the Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA). Home Ministry states that there is no need for a separate law in this regard, officials said. The proposed bill, which sought to punish people who assault on-duty doctors and […]

The Medical Council of India database on the medical faculty seems unlikely to be true. If the MCI database is to be believed, more than 60% of all post-graduate doctors are teachers in medical colleges. But, the faculty norms suggest there would at best be about one lakh doctors working as faculty, with about 550 […]
Image: ANI Rural Healthcare is still struggling to provide all the facilities at its best to the people. Shortage of staff, medical equipment, medicines are few among the many problems which rural India still finds it hard to meet. But the doctors in the hospital of Odisha’s Mayurbhanj demands something basic. Electricity. These doctors in […]

The world applauds Indian doctors yet again as doctors at a hospital in Noida successfully performed a difficult bone marrow transplant on an eight month old baby. The baby was suffering from severe combined immunodeficiency- a rare genetic disease. The surgery saved his life. Mujib- the baby- is from Afghanistan. Two of his elder brothers […]

For a country where malnourishment and lack of access to health centers are as much a part of reality as cows roaming in the busy streets, India has a notoriously low budget allocation for healthcare- around 1.3 percent of its GDP. The ones that are hardest hit by this apathy are the ones who live […]

Amidst concerns from doctors and parents of medical students about the proposed National Exit Test(NEXT), experts are pointing out the impracticality of such an exam. At a panel discussion that was held in Mumbai on Sunday, experts said that NEXT cannot act as a licensing test for doctors. The Indian Medical Council(Amendment) Bill 2015 has […]

The five and a half year long medical course is no longer enough for a student to become a doctor. For the Union health ministry has unveiled the draft Indian Medical Council(Amendment) Bill 2016 by which they should also have to pass the National Exit Test(NEXT). The Bill also aims to bring in combined counselling […]

Upendranath Brahmachari was one of the most legendary medical practitioners that India has ever known. Sadly enough, his name is not familiar to most in this day and age. He was brought up in a family that already had a medical practitioner-his father who was a physician with the East Indian Railways. Upendranath-who was was […]

Many are the changes that have come over medical practices in the last few centuries. Procedures which once took hours of labor can now be performed in mere minutes and with the minimal pain on the patient. Earlier, while bullets had to be extracted and cauterized irons had to be used, anesthetics were not exactly […]