On Saturday, a murder case was registered against unknown person(s) regarding the death of Dr Sarvanan Ganeshan- a 26 year old junior resident doctor of AIIMS. The doctor who was pursuing an MD at AIIMS was found dead in mysterious circumstances at his rented flat in Gautam Nagar on the 10th of July, 2016. The […]

The year 2016 has seen its fair share of developments in the medical field in India. Some of these were rather unexpected while others were long in the pipeline. Here is a look at some of the key developments that would affect medicos in India. National Medical Commission Bill MCI has come under fire for […]

Here is an instance in which proper informed consent and treatment as well as well-maintained record as per SOP saved medical professionals from a claim of Rs. 1.5 Crore. This judgment came about in the case of Shashi Dvivedi v/s Dr.Mukund Prasad (Paras Hosptal, Patna). The case that was filed The case was filed by the […]

When Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer at the age of 36 he was just 15 months away from finishing training as a neurosurgeon. The cancer was inoperable and Kalanithi was facing a certain death in the near future. To chronicle his views on life and also the changes that struck him […]

Upendranath Brahmachari was one of the most legendary medical practitioners that India has ever known. Sadly enough, his name is not familiar to most in this day and age. He was brought up in a family that already had a medical practitioner-his father who was a physician with the East Indian Railways. Upendranath-who was was […]

Researchers claim that the world’s first birth by cesarean section in which both the mother and child survived may have occurred in 1337 in Prague. It was on February 25 of that year that Beatrice of Bourbon, the second wife of John the Blind, the King of Bohemia gave birth to her only child. The […]

Many are the changes that have come over medical practices in the last few centuries. Procedures which once took hours of labor can now be performed in mere minutes and with the minimal pain on the patient. Earlier, while bullets had to be extracted and cauterized irons had to be used, anesthetics were not exactly […]

Timely interventions are being made by Sri Lanka to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. These efforts come as part of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. The UN Population Fund(UNFPA) has said that it supported the country’s efforts to implement a five year National Condom Strategy 2016-2020. This because a correct and consistent […]

Over the last six years Dr Raman Kakar has made a list of 5,300 cases in which patients suffered from a relapse of TB even after they completed the full medication dose. The doctor noticed that in multiple cases, the patients had completed the full medication course on six occasions but still the disease reared […]

Dr Subhash Mukhopadhyay did something only very few people do in this world- he created history. Dr Mukhopadhyay became the first physician in India(and just the second in the world) to perform the procedure to create the test tube baby. Mukhopahyay, along with a cryobiologist and gynecologist had been working on a method of in-vitro […]