Dr C Palanivelu’s life is anything but ordinary. For one thing, he started his medical career when he was 40- starting at an age when many medical professionals are well settled in life. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Let’s look at things from early on. Challenging poverty The young Palanivelu used to […]

Over the past couple of decades, Kerala has built a robust reputation as one of the best places for palliative care globally. The contrast in the state of affairs for terminally ill patients now as opposed to thirty years ago could be seen in an experience related by Dr MR Rajagopal- an anasethetist based in […]

10 year old Sahana Khatun is the first female to be diagnosed with the rare condition commonly known as the ‘tree man syndrome.’ The girl from Bangladesh has caught the world’s attention for the rare disease which has never been seen in females before. Last month, surgeons who operated on Sahana removed some of the […]

India is a country where more number of people are ascending the financial ladder everyday than ever before- bringing expendable income to households deprived of it before. India is also a country where good height is considered a positive physical attribute. This combination has seen the number of people seeking limb lengthening surgery going up […]

While studying for the final year in gynaecology course at the Aligarh Muslim University, Dr. Arun Choudhary came to hear about the requirement of doctors in Bijapur. He thought the name referred to a district in Karnataka. But his head of department, Dr Seema Hakim informed him that Bijapur was a district in Chattisgarh- at […]

As assaults against doctors by patient’s kin are mounting alarmingly, hospitals are taking more measures to prevent such conflicts from arising in the first place. While things like having a gate-pass system to gain access and positing armed guards are finding takers in the aftermath of the recent attacks in Maharashtra, they are said to […]

The central government is considering a plan that would incentivize patients and private doctors who treat tuberculosis patients. Financial aids and free medicines for the patients who visit these doctors are also being considered. The plan comes as part of the government’s “aggressive” strategy to eradicate TB. The draft National Strategic Plan(NSP) for TB Elimination(2017-2025) […]

One of the challenges in alleviating TB is the hardship associated with continually monitoring the health of the patients. This is especially true in the case of those patients who approach the state-sponsored hospitals which are under-equipped in many ways. But there’s good news from one part of India. For in Jaipur, the health department […]

On a night in August 1999, the car of Vadodara-based doctor Subroto Das hit a tree by the highway. Three persons were injured. However, they had to wait for almost five hours before help arrived. It was the acute helplessness the doctor and his fellow travelers experienced on that night which led to an initiative […]

Research conducted by a Bengaluru based ophthalmologist has found out that autophagy could be used in treating severe ophthalmological ailments like keratoconus, dry eyes and age-related degeneration. Dr Rohit Shetty has devised a therapeutic method based on the cells’ defense mechanism to cure eye-related problems. The doctor’s work is based on the study by Yoshinori […]