In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court on Monday has permitted a woman from Mumbai to abort her 24-week pregnancy. This is the first judicially sanctioned abortion that’s over the permissible 20 weeks limit. The ruling was made after experts said that continuing with the foetus which has multiple abnormalities would be life threatening for […]

The Rajastan state government has begun booking sex determination crimes under Section 315 of the IPC. This entails up to 10 years in prison or fine or both. The said section pertains to an Act meant to prevent a child born alive to die after birth. This puts it in a higher punishment bracket than […]

A patient’s kin attacked at least three junior doctors at the Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital in Delhi on Wednesday night. The incident happened after a three year old patient died. The patient who suffered from encephalitis died during treatment. While the assailants-about 20 in number attacked the doctors with iron rods, the patient’s mother bit […]

To look into assaults carried out against doctors, the Central government has created a committee. This was made possible after the Indian Medical Association gave a representation which highlighted the need for a legislation that protects doctors from such attacks. The committee was made up of representatives from the Law and Justice Ministry, Home Ministry, […]

Tuberculosis patients of the country who seek help from private sector face a delay in getting diagnosed correctly-the delay could be as long as two months. And that is if the diagnosis happens at all. This sobering reality was brought out by systematic reviews of Indian studies. The reasons of delay need to be tackled […]

The Indian government has decided to launch a daily drug regimen for treating tuberculosis. This will usurp the existing alternate days schedule. In the initial phase, this is likely to be implemented in five states that include Maharashtra. It’s expected that the launch will happen by September-October of this year.The process is expected to improve […]

An aspect of a court case that could be relevant to doctors was reported recently in the newspaper, The Times of India. For the case shows that documentary evidence would suffice to establish medical negligence. The case in question relates to one Geeta Khalho who, being pregnant was admitted in the Arogya Niketan Prasuti Grih […]

Eight doctors from the Narayana Hrudyalaya in Bangalore are on a mission-touring Madhya Pradesh to identify the children with need for urgent heart surgeries. 150 kids identified for open heart surgery So far, the group has identified 150 children from Vidisha, Rajgarh, Sehore and Bhopal who require immediate open heart surgery. On Wednesday, the team […]

In yet another incident of doctors being assaulted in India, the relatives of a patient manhandled a doctor in the Government Rajindra Hospital and Medical College, Patiala, Punjab. The incident happened on 13 July. The incident spurred a protest by about 100 PG doctors of the hospital. The protesters claimed that Dr.Manuj Chaudhary was slapped […]

It’s been ten days since Sarvanan Ganeshan, a Junior Resident Doctor pursuing his MD at AIIMS was found dead in his South Delhi apartment. The media has frequently used the phrase ‘under mysterious circumstance’ in relation to the death. The death happened just 10 days after he enrolled for his MD. The Delhi police suspects […]