At a time where coronavirus has made people around the country locked under the roof of fear, India is introducing ways to meet the rising challenges. The new initiatives to tackle the coronavirus ranges from a drive-through test for COVID 19 to kiosks for collecting samples from people with symptoms for COVID 19. Delhi lab […]

Winning the battle against the coronavirus, the patient zero of India has come back to life. Recovering completely from the coronavirus, she said her respect for the medical profession had grown ever since she saw how selflessly the health professionals worked to save her life. The 20-year-old was pursuing her third-year MBBS in China, where […]

Chinese researchers claim to have made a breakthrough in understanding how the coronavirus spreads and why it’s so infectious. According to the latest findings by the researchers, new research from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 have a live virus in stool specimens. The latest […]

Donating plasma can save lives, indeed the power of the plasma is beyond our thinking, it can do wonders. Now, to win over the battle against the coronavirus, twenty recovered coronavirus patients donated their plasma to those in severe condition in Wuhan. A move which deserves applauds. According to the province’s COVID-19 scientific research team, […]

As the deadly coronavirus claimed 1000 lives in China, the World Health Organisation in a conference about battling the virus as China, said that the coronavirus poses a “very grave” global threat. WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said this in an appeal for sharing virus samples and speeding up research into drugs and vaccines. According […]

As the coronavirus continues to create a serious impact on the lives of the people, the Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) is offering an ‘experimental repurposed drug’ for treatment of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus within the country. According to Dr Raman Gangakhedkar, the head of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases (ECD) division, ICMR, they started […]

As the doctors and scientists all over the world run searching for the exact cause and treatment of the deadly coronavirus, Thai doctors claim they’ve seen success in treating severe cases of the coronavirus with the combination of medications for flu and HIV. According to the doctors, the initial results show vast improvement in a […]

On the last day of last year, Chinese health authorities have reported a string of some infections in Wuhan. What followed was still a mystery. The reports on the number of infected people swiftly rose and adding to these, isolated cases of the infection appeared in other countries as well! The root cause of the […]

While China’s coronavirus outbreak is creating a worldwide panic, India confirms its first case of coronavirus in Kerala. A student studying in Wuhan university in China has been tested positive for the coronavirus, according to an official statement. The health ministry said that the patient has tested positive for novel coronavirus and is in isolation […]