Karnataka Medical Council (KMC), in a first of its kind move, has decided to take the CME videos online on a pilot basis. If you are finding it difficult to acquire the mandatory credit hours by attending the events physically, KMC has a way out for you through the digital window. An online opinion poll by KMC saw 2500 doctors voting in favor of launching online videos of CMEs/Conference.
Registered practitioners have to watch the videos after signing up. In the end, they have to sit through a timed test. The answers will be evaluated and only after that the credit hours will be accredited. The face 8 detection software designed by a private agency would ensure attendance by activating every 15 seconds. KMC will maintain a database and 8 credit hours would be provided through web based CMEs, which will be used in final credit hour calculation.
Various countries like USA and UK are following the model of mandatory credit hours. It all started in 2014, when KMC made it mandatory to accumulate credit hours for renewal of registration. KMC sent out notices to all the private practitioners that they would have to collect 30 points by 2016 to have their licenses renewed. The decision saw a spike in number of conferences/CMEs organized, which offered credit hours. Many doctors, who saw a commercial angle to it, criticized the notice. Now, with the introduction of web based CMEs, doctors can save both time and money by earning credit hours from their homes. This move would certainly bring a big relief to busy doctors. Finally, you can get updated through the digital world and claim credit points, just like your Western counterparts.

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  1. […] DailyRounds and MyCME can allow you to obtain structured knowledge about topic of your choice and earn CME points in […]

  2. […] Medical Council is the first one to take initiative in Online CME’s for doctors, and a pilot has already been initiated. Not only do you attend the CME from home, but they also verify it is […]


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