Karnataka doctors strike intensifies on Day-2! Takes Twitter by storm!
Residents doctors in Karnataka are paid the least in India. While these Doctors are the backbone of the tertiary care system they are often payed much lesser than a lift operator working in the same hospital. Residents work tireless 24 hours often taking huge risks and most importantly these Doctors are not students, making them much more accountable. Many of them of have families and responsibilities to take care of. Textbooks alone cost a few hundread thousand rupees a year.
Lowest Stiped in India! Imagine living in a city like Bangalore with 20,000Rs per month ! Don’t you think our Govt. Doctors deserve better? The funny thing is that the if the Govt agrees to the pay hike, the entire burden would’d be even a fraction of what the Govt give as tax breaks to the IT companies in Bangalore. The people of the country deserve better and the Doctors who take care of them deserve better.
Long working hours! Doctors are also asking for a change in work policy because of strenous working hours. Working 36 hours at a stretch is quite inhuman and it is not fair to the doctor or patient. Doctors are human too and need time to rest and then come back to do their best work each day.
A Valid Cause – The strike is not meant to just seek attention.Doctors are simply demanding their basic rights. Being able to afford a decent standard of living, some savings and manageable working hours is a very nominal demand. It also ensures doctors are not overworked and reduced to BPL (below poverty line) individuals!
Despite the KARD’s open declaration that a strike was going to happen on August 31st, news agencies and media alike turned a blind eye on their demands and pleas
The media also didn’t seem find this issue’news worthy’ and were busy covering the BBMP elections and the wedding of a famous Kannada movie star. This is a snapshot that shows the regard and respect doctors are shown even across the country!
As this protest snowballs and gains support, all eyes are on the state government, awaiting its reaction or better yet a solution. The government cannot ignore the doctors voice for too long and a favourable decision can be the only acceptable outcome.
Yeah doctors also humans …..they don’t understand it
All professionals are to be treated with dignity and given their dues. There seems to be a great apathy when it comes to HEALTH SECTOR. While other professionals are given good working conditions, big pay packets and perks like free travel, incentives , foreign deputations the same are lacking in the health sector. The efforts required to become a good medical professional is any time greater than in other professions BUT THE TREATMENT METED OUT IS very DISGUSTING to say the least. The least Government can do is provide them the proper working conditions , prevent personal attacks on health professionals because individuals health is NOT the SOLE concern of the society/doctors-the individual is EQUALLY responsible for his health status. I appeal to all POLICY MAKERS to give the doctors their long standing dues with periodic reviews.
Doctors should be given a better living standard…y is stipnd the least in india??? It is very unfair…guv us our right