In a rare move, Delhi Medical Council suspends license of 4 Residents over 11 yr-old’s leg amputation
The Delhi Medical Council (DMC) has suspended registration certificates of four resident doctors for a month over alleged irregularities in the treatment of a 11-year-old boy. The boy, approached two major hospitals after his initial treatment was botched up by a quack, eventually lost his left leg, which had to be amputated.
“We went to a quack, which was our mistake. But then we went to two top hospitals in the capital. But in both hospitals, they delayed his treatment as they could not identify the piece of glass initially. My son’s leg could have been saved if doctors at these hospitals had treated him on time,” said Bilal’s father Kadir Ahmed, who works as an electrician.
Sequence of Events:
May 1, 2014: Bilal while playing in neighborhood has a piece of glass pierce and lodge in left foot. Family takes him to a ‘quack’ for treatment, who doesn’t remove glass and simply prescribes medicines.
May 1,2014 (night): Bilal taken to Bara Hindurao Hospital hours after seeing quack – doctors fail to identify and locate shard of glass despite X-ray being taken. No treatment given.
May 2, 2014: Bilal finally admitted into Bara Hindurao Hospital, doctors finally remove glass.
Few days later – Bilal was discharged from Bara Hindurao – referred to Safdarjung Hopsital (vascular surgeon) – checked by various specialties, not admitted and sent home.
June 2014: Bilal’s left leg is fully infected due to improper treatment, doctors at Meerut hospital forced to amputate leg.
When the DMC held an inquiry, the four doctors failed to give any satisfactory responses about the lapses in the boy’s treatment, said Dr Tyagi.