Hospital Attacked :50 men enraged over death of 22 year old vandalise hospital and attack female duty doctor in Goa
50 men vandalised and ransacked Cottage Hospital in Chicalim (Goa) enraged over the death of a 22 year old youth. The mob blamed the hospital and the lady duty doctor in-charge for the death. They even attempted to attack her.
The series of events at the hospital unfolded as follows:
Nov 6, 2015 – Friday:
- Parshuram Harijan brought to the hospital at 7 p.m. Critical condition. Doctor referred him to Goa Medical College (GMC)
- But relatives took him a local doctor who treats patients suffering from jaundice
- Duty doctor warned them not to do so but relatives ‘took full responsibility for the act’. As precaution doctor made relatives sign ‘non-liability’ waiver
Nov 7, 2015 – Saturday:
- 1:30 a.m – Relatives bring Harijan back to Cottage Hospital after patient’s condition worsens
- Doctor once again advised that patient be taken to GMC. Relatives took patient to GMC.
- Harijan was declared “brought dead” by GMC doctors on Saturday morning.
- Post mortem conducted, body sent back.
Nov 8, 2015 – Sunday:
- Police arrests 6 attackers, 44 arrests still pending !
- Hospital resumes full functionality
Enraged Relatives
On the way back home, Harijan’s relatives stopped at Cottage hospital and attacked it despite the cause of death being jaundice. Hospital staff say around 50 men entered the hospital and immediately asked for the duty doctor Sujata Kamat who had attended to Harijan on Friday.
Upon not getting answers one of the men in the mob kicked and banged his fist on a door. The whole mob got angry and started pelting stones on windows and the entrance. The entire casualty ward was damaged, medicines were destroyed and everything that came in their path was broken! Dr. Kamat fled for her life when the mob tried to attack her with stones and chased her. The patients in the general wards were also disturbed and panicked.
Accused arrested, hospital resumes service yet no proper justice
Goa police have arrested 6 people in relation to this attack and remanded them to three days of custody. The hospital resumed service on Sunday too. This attack is once again a reminder of how unsafe doctors are. It is scary and unimaginable what would have happened if the mob had gotten their hands on Dr. Kamat. Where’s the security in the hospital? Dr. Kamat’s security is in the fact that she very sensibly made sure Harijan’s relatives signed a waiver before taking him away from Cottage.
Safety for doctors continues to be a major issue in India. The legal action taken against the attackers should be against all 50, including the family members. The only acceptable end to this attack would be – arresting all 50 attackers and the family members who instigated the attack.
Post & Images Source: Times of India