With an aim to better utilize blood and blood components, the Health Ministry has allowed the transfer of blood from one blood bank to another.The government has also fixed an exchange value for surplus plasma available at some blood banks in the country.

The new initiative will ensure safe blood and enhanced access to blood products in areas of scarcity. The new rule was made following recommendations of the National Blood Transfusion Council which comes under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

blood announcement

Previous Arrangement
Before today’s announcement the exchange of blood between blood banks and other plasma derived products was prohibited. This would lead to expiry of blood, patients being forced to shuttle between banks and shortage at many blood banks. Surplus plasma was being traded or sold by blood banks without any regulation. Official guidelines for proper and efficient transport of blood between banks have been outlined as well.

Exchange Value

The ministry has fixed an exchange value of Rs 1600 per litre of plasma and the blood banks with surplus plasma can exchange it for consumables, equipments etc. or plasma derived product. This exchange, however, cannot be in terms of cash. Fixing of exchange value is expected to increase the availability of essential life saving medicines like human albumin, immunoglobulins, clotting factors, etc. which are all derived from plasma. This step would also reduce the country’s dependence on import of these products.

Source: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

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