First Marijuna Seminar on Chronic Pain – India looks to lift the ban & research its numerous uses
Doctors met on Aug 7th for a “Seminar on Chronic Pain” organized by AIIMS- Bhubhaneswar and Medicinal Cannabis Foundation of India (MCFI). While marijuana is known for its destressing and anxiety riding properties, this event was focused on marijuana’s pain relieving properties, especially for cancer patients.
The Benefits of Weed (Marjuana/Cannabis)
Eminent Indian-American physician and scientest Sunil Kumar Aggarwal (M.D., Ph.D) who spoke on Cannabinoid Intergrative Medicine said India has now for very long known about the medical properties of Cannabis and by making it a part of Ayurveda it had been formally introduced into India’s digital library to prevent international biopiracy. Some of the newly found benefits of cannabis that were seen are – affects of the drug helping understand molecular signalling system and even one discovery by Israeli doctors that found how it helped mend broken bones faster. It also slows downs and prevents the onset of osteoporosis.
India & Cannabis
In India, there’s been a constant push for medical marijuana over the last few months. January 2015 saw oncologists suggesting it as an effective cure for cancer. So much so that they decided to lift the ban on the medicinal plant to allow research of its medicinal properties and uses. Doctors are pointing out that the US has lifted the ban on marijuana’s use in the medical field even as it was found to help alleviate the pain and discomfort among cancer patients. The cannabis research topic came up during recent debates on tobaccor farming with the basic argument that tobaccco cultivation, a susbtance that caused cancer was being encouraged while cancer symptom alleviating cannabis was being ignored. Its important to note that cannabis plants are illegal in India even for research purposes while in stark contrast 21 states in the U.S were prescribing its derivatives for cancer treatment. These derivatives were found to successfully starve hungry cancer cells of blood supply. The other positive from cannabis was that it reduced nausea and vomitting sensation in cancer patients who were on chemotherpay.
India’s lack of cannabis research is quite backward despite its rich historical and mythological connections to India via ayurveda, Hindu God and Godesses Siva and Kali . Dr B S Ajai Kumar, chairman of HCG Enterprises validated this by saying, “We want to take up research on medicinal benefits of cannabis derivatives. But to take it up we need the plants, which is not available in India. We are approaching the government with a proposal to legalize medicinal use of cannabis.” Oncologists however want to make it clear that they are not for encouraging recreational use of marijuana.Dr Rao a clinical oncologist said “Isolated compounds in cannabis have medicinal properties. In the US, it is also used for treating Alzheimer’s, Glaucoma and multiple sclerosis. Currently, there is a lack of understanding of the topic even among the medical fraternity, and even speaking about it is avoided. We have to overcome that,” Dr. Aggarwal is planning to collaborate with Dr. Nayak and other faculty members to design a pilot study integrating Ayurvedic and Allopathic systems using locally produced cannabis in India formulated for safe and measured dosing for empiric treatment and data collection in patients with cancer and others with pain treatment and palliative care needs. Additionally, ‘The Medical Cannabis Foundation of India’ is working with officials to find ways in which this research and traditional medicine treatment program can be moved forward.
The seminar is a small step towards a viably available treatment option for cancer patients. India and its medical bodies must seriously consider investing towards research and treatment via cannabis. It would be a natural treatment option that keeps at bay painful options like chemotherpay and unavoidable amputation while reducing pain among cancer patients.