“Doctors should work 7 days a week”- British PM &HM tell NHS doctors. Junior Doctor revolts via open letter; gets Nation’s support
“Start working 24x7x365 immediately or expect the law to kick in any way!” echoed British PM David Cameron and Health Minister Jeremy Hunt in a latest statement to NHS (National Health Services) workers and doctors. While some grumbling was expected, a detailed yet sharply worded 1000 word tirade by junior doctor Janis Burns was not. The post has gone 100,000 shares viral and keeps rolling!
Dr. Burns scathing response via Facebook, challenged the Prime Minister to attempt to treat a patient “on the brink of death” after a long stint of night shifts. “You try managing that after you’ve been up all night and then tell me the NHS isn’t 24 hours 7 days a week 365 days a year,” She stated that the government was deliberately painting a picture to the public that doctors weren’t providing a seven-day service.
Her post highlighted an eye opening picture of the grueling day doctors go through, via various points like-
- Continuous Work Nights : 3 continuous weekend stints – 8 p.m to 9 a.m (Friday to Monday)
- Salary Disparity: A fast-food joint’s Assistant Manager earns (£29,500) and Manager is (£40,800). In comparison a doctor must – study 5 years, work 9 years to get the same pay.
- Student Debt & Studies: The accumulated student debt a doctor has coupled with the competitive exams is
- Professional Development: Courses (costing £ 325 upwards) must be taken for continued professional development which the NHS doesn’t cover
Her closing statements clearly state that doctors in England are being paid less and overworked. While compensation for regular working hours is hardly adequate, the extra hours are far from being covered. In addition, a stressed and overworked – doctor, nurse, technician reduces patient safety. Dr. Burns requests the government to put more professionals at each level and work ‘for’ the doctors instead of against.
Even as the post went viral, medical professionals across England united in Dr. Burns effort to bring this issue to light. They hash tagged Health Minster Mr. Jeremy Hunt #IAmInWorkJeremy and posted pictures of themselves working 3 a.m. shifts on a weekend to prove that the system was already doing 7x24x365!
While Dr. Burns highlighted this issue in England, it draws parallels with the scenario in India too, as seen previously in our post of a doctor working a 35 hour shift. It is time, the Union Health Ministry brings back the respect and honour in practicing as a doctor by providing- regulated work hours, better facilities and equipment, an increased work force and benefits for doctors. This would allow doctors to be less overworked, provide better patient care and feel appreciated.
#ImInWorkJeremy : My consultant, a GP and I on Sunday. And it's my birthday! pic.twitter.com/aCGrMTMEgT
— DrJavidAbdel (@thisfoolj) July 19, 2015
@Jeremy_Hunt 2:30 am today after treating a sick child No need to change our contract #ImInWorkJeremy #professional pic.twitter.com/2VpKmKmQKt
— TajFregene (@TajFregene) July 18, 2015
Good evening @Jeremy_Hunt just to let you know #ImInWorkJeremy, as is my fiancé, we're both on nights this weekend pic.twitter.com/PNFD5QqL78
— Jon Hilton (@JonJHilton) July 17, 2015
Already worked 60 hours this week and now #ImInWorkJeremy with my consultant. #longlivethenhs @Jeremy_Hunt pic.twitter.com/WAiAUZ0Qb4
— Ally Mintoft (@AllyMintoft) July 18, 2015
#ImInWorkJeremy – how about you and your colleagues? pic.twitter.com/fwx8TInADI
— Big up the NHS (@butNHS) July 18, 2015
Janis Burns complete post – https://www.facebook.com/janis.burns/posts/10155800892455263