Charlotte Ellaby reached Bombay in November 1884. She came down to the subcontinent from England to work as a Junior Medical Officer. She came to join Edith Pechey- one of the first women doctors in Britain. Pechey led a campaign to finance the medical education of the Indian, Rakhmabai. Rakhmabai went on to become the […]

Arjun was brought to the Bahraich district hospital in Uttar Pradesh when he was 4 years old. That was in 2008. Now, the boy is 13 years old. However, he’s still in the hospital campus, earning him the moniker ‘the son of the hospital’! It’s said that Arjun shares a special relationship with the hospital […]

A very rare surgery was successfully performed by doctors in Hyderabad to remove a shoulder tumour. The surgery, in fact was performed six months back on 46 year old Padma. But now, she has achieved 160 degrees shoulder rotation- the highest that’s possible with such surgeries, as per the doctors. Doctors performed the advanced reverse […]

Dr Vipin Vashishta became a bad boy in the books of many vaccine manufacturing companies when he blew the whistle on how these companies- both Indian and multinational push expensive vaccines into the Indian market. Some of these vaccines, it’s said, don’t even answer any real need. This has created a market that’s worth crores […]

A doctor from Maharastra has been absolved by the Supreme Court of a medical negligence charge 20 years after it was made. The incident that spurred the accusation was a road accident in which a victim succumbed to injuries at the hospital. The Supreme Court relied on its earlier verdict, saying that for cases in […]

A new genetic disease has been discovered by Indian doctors. The disease, called “Multiple mitochondrial dysfuntion syndrome” was discovered by doctors at the Department of medical genetics, Kasturba Medical College in Manipal. The new genetic disease has been found in four children from two different and unrelated families in Manipal. It was found that the […]

Doctors say that they don’t believe that the girl who was found in the Motipur range of katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh was raised by monkeys. This was reported by the British newspaper, The Guardian on Saturday. Sanctuary officials expressed suspicion that the girl was abandoned there by her relatives. This is contrary to […]

The story of how a 24 year old final year MBBS student helped a lady deliver a baby on the Ahmedabad-Puri Express is being widely discussed by the public. The story has been carried in the leading newspaper, The Times of India. Vipin Khadse helped the woman, with the help of instructions he received from […]

The fact that there’s an imminent launch of the first new male contraceptive in over a century ought to bea big news. And it would be even bigger when it’s learnt that the contraceptive comes from a small Indian university startup than a big company. Unfortunately, now there’s a glitch to this story- big pharma […]