Remember when we were kids, our classmates used to bring a bottle of small white homeopathic pills. More than considering it as a medicine, as kids, we used to have it as a kind of toffee or “sugar pills.” Homeopathy was invented in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. Today it is the most popular branch of […]
Chikungunya!!! The word chikungunya means ‘to walk bent’. Once, it was considered as a disease of tropics. But now cases have been spotted in more than one-quarter of the countries on earth. Currently, neither there is any drug to treat chikungunya, nor there are any vaccines to prevent it. But Indians can feel proud. A […]
‘One Country One Registration’: MCI to give Unique Permanent Registration Number (UPRN) to all doctors across the country Medical Council of India (MCI) has initiated the process of implementing E-governance through Digital Mission Mode Project (DMMP). MCI has announced an ambitious project, wherein Unique Permanent Registration Number (UPRN) is going to be generated for doctor […]

The US-based company Prometric Testings that until now conducted the National Eligibility and Entrance Test Post Graduate (NEET-PG) has said it will not be conducting the winter exam in 2017. The National Board of Examinations (NBE) and Prometric have mutually agreed to part ways, the company said in a statement on Friday. The NBE will […]

Finding out in a medical check-up that you are pre-diabetic, altering diet to control blood sugar levels only to have it not yield any significant result, losing weight rapidly and blurring of vision…these are things that may lead to a diagnosis of type-2 diabetes. And more and more number of Indians are being diagnosed of […]

The abortion petition for the 13 year old rape victim in Mumbai is expected to be filed this week. Many doctors have already voiced their opinion that more importance should be given to the victim’s life than the foetus, reports The Hindu. ‘Carrying baby to full term may be riskier for minor’ The recent case […]

If you thought that you were the only doctor in the country flummoxed by the newly introduced Goods and Services Tax(GST) regime, take heart, because you are not the only one. Even better, the Indian Medical Association(IMA) understands this. To make it easy for doctors and other medical professionals to understand how GST would affect […]

Not that long ago, many doctors and medical professionals believed that India was on the cusp of eliminating syphilis. In fact, the National Aids Control Organization(NACO), in 2011 announced that India was on the verge of eradicating the problem. This bold statement was made in the wake of bringing the incidence of the disease down […]

Doctors now have a new sign to represent their profession. The symbol- just a minor variation of the previous red plus was chosen by the Indian Medical Association(IMA). The reason for the change is that the previous symbol is a patented sign for the International Committee of Red Cross(ICRC). Also, it’s protected under the Geneva […]

Dr. Balwant Ghatpande became one of the oldest Indian practicing doctors on March 15, 2017. On that day, the man turned 102. With an enduring passion for science, the doctor navigates through a changing medical landscape. “I would never retire,” he says. “Until my death I wish to continue to practice medicine. I pray that […]