BREAKING NEWS : Karnataka doctors go on strike today as state govt. doesn’t discuss demand for basic rights placed before them on Aug 21
Doctors across hospitals in Karnataka are on strike today after the state government has not given a clear indication that the doctors demands regarding salary, DA and time off are being taken seriously. The last hike in stipend for doctors four years ago in November 2011.
On Aug 21 when the issue was first raised, the KARD (Karnataka Association of Resident Doctors) had made a set of demands to the state government which included- increase in stipends, provision for dearance allowance and more relaxed working hours. The government had said it would look at increasing the stipend but never commented on a time frame, despite the KARD’s warning of a state wide strike on Aug 31.
Karnataka is currently ranked 22nd among Indian states in the stipends it pays to its resident doctors, with house surgeons getting Rs. 15,000, PG residents Rs. 25,000 and super speciality resident doctors Rs. 30,000 since November 2011. It has been four years since the last hike in stipend was brought into effect. The KARD demanded that stipends be increased to Rs 20,000-house surgeons, Rs.40,000 for PG residents and Rs. 50,000 for super speciality resident doctors.
While the doctors go on strike today, only emergency cases will be handled at hospitals with OP and other services coming to a complete stand still. Already patients at KR Hospital are All eyes are on the state government and the health minister to take a swift decision in the matter even as patient flow gets disrupted across the state. More importantly, it seems to indicate that the government isn’t taking doctors seriously. The KARD has mobilized support across the and is awaiting the government’s response, until which time the protest will continue even as KARD plans its next steps to get the government’s attention.
Resident doctors are the first point of contact at every hospital and their basic rights and demands are not being met. This stalemate between doctors and the government shows a lack of action on the government’s part to provide for the healthcare providers of the state. The government should see this as an opportunity to help doctors with these simple demands which will in turn improve the healthcare system of the state as well.
Karnataka is horrible. No other state is so rude and harsh on their employees. I would say whatever these residents are demanding is far too less than wat they actually deserve. This state doesn’t even respect guidelines from center for the pay scale. They haven’t implemented 6th pay commission yet and 7th is already on its way. They are so backward…..