Ban the Doctors White Coat
Image Credit : The Hindu – “Mangaluru doctor wants ban on white coats” (July 23, 2015)
When Mangaluru-based doctor, Edmond Fernandes pointed out that white coats are a- harbor of germs and viruses and become carriers of contaminants; we couldn’t agree more!
Here’s a spin off on the story posted on ‘The Hindu’ as to why the ‘white coat’ can and should be shed –
A Symbol?
A symbol of seriousness, professionalism and doctor’ness’ if one may call it that! Well, if a doctor dresses in neatly and maintains good hygiene that should suffice for any patient. And if you want a symbol, there’s always the option of a clear name tag, department and the hospital logo, or maybe something universal and simpler, like this –
Still not convinced are we? Still tugging on that seam and pursing lips are we? Okay…here’s another reason or two..
Monday – White…Tuesday – Off White..Friday – 50 Shades of White!
The mystery of how white attracts dirt is something we’ve all been trying to figure out since Monday mornings in school when we go in white shirt/shorts or blouse/skirt and the infamous Bata shoes. The mystery continues as you’ve grown up, become a doctor sahib now and don a white coat!
There’s no need to point out that after sitting through consultation, walking around wards, sitting in ancient lecture halls and rubbing elbows at the chaiwala and canteen your willpower to resist contact and keep that coat clean has (is) broken!
In the highly uneventful case that you’ve still managed by Friday to keep your coat clean, kudos! But, what’s the point anyway right? As if there aren’t enough things to stress about!
Why Sleeves?
So sleeves, sure look good on a nice Louis Phillipe shirt, a precious kurti from Fab India or Biba.. but you’ve to admit, loose and dangling material that touches everything from- the patient to the edge of the table, the coffee machine and your steering wheel, the bus seat..well you get the point. So sleeves are a no-no. Yes, there are half sleeved white coats but would you like to hear about the struggles of wearing the coat anyway, and half sleeved coats with half sleeved shirts is like putting on two sets of gloves!
So okay you don’t want to get rid of the coat..fine fine! You’re so adamant.
Female Doctors – The Struggle is Real!
Female doctors donning saris and the lab coat in tandem know the struggle..umpteen adjustments of the pallu,the folds and the layers! Only to find that the lab coat is now out of place..and we start the adjustment cycle again! Yes, salwars and western wear is an option to get past this but then again the dupatta does need to be put some place? Maybe a cape! After all doctors are looked up to as superheros (pun intended)!
Enter Hospital -GPS On – *type in* Locate Lab Coats…1345 results found for your search!
From the headrest and back seat of parked cars to the back rest of revolving chairs, the casually placed lab coat on the lab stool and of course the famous student/doctor pose of the lab coat thrown over the shoulder and steth in hand while sipping tea or snacking..lab coats, lab coats everywhere!!
So, in closing – Does a doctor really need a lab coat to be seen as professional? Wouldn’t a badge and a logo be more personable. The transition to such a state of identity from the status quo would take time but in the long run ‘free the arms’ (literally) of doctors to work better, focus on the patients and worry less about the white coats hindering and bothering!