It was Back in 60’s. A lady doctor decided to opt for Neurosurgery after completing MBBS. While choosing neurosurgery as her career option, little did she knew that she has stepped on a rough journey. Amidst all the odds existed then, she broke the stereotypes. We’re talking about Dr. Thanjavur Santhanakrishna Kanaka or T.S.Kanaka, Asia’s […]

“On reaching the ICU, his father also collapsed suddenly and was put on a ventilator, Dr. Joshi was informed about this by doctors in the ICU but he did not want to leave the critically ill patient who had been rushed for bypass surgery and remained with the patient for three hours.” These are the […]

We are living in a scientifically advanced world where people insists on producing proofs and evidence to believe something. Amidst all such demands, “Yoga” stands out since people follow it without bothering about the evidence. Yoga is a mind and body practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. A large number of people believes […]

Image credits: CNN “Her blood kept on flowing,” a grief-stricken rani told CNN. She was talking about her 7-year old daughter who was brutally gang-raped. According to the national crime records, Rani’s daughter was only one among the 16,863 rape victims under the age of 18 in 2016. The 7-year-old had to undergo surgeries for […]

A lady went to consult a doctor. After some tests and examinations, the lady was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor was one of the well-known oncologists. The lady was literate and rich. But some of her colleagues injected into her mind that chemotherapy is painful and has a lot of side effects. Also, they advised […]

17 lives, Their happiness. Their dreams. That’s what Nipah snatched from the people of Kerala. But the happy news is no new Nipah cases has been reported since May 17. All the credit goes to the doctors who took initiative in identifying the virus as soon as possible. This has helped save lives and earned […]

“I asked Rasin’s mother if I could perform the final rites as per Hindu religious beliefs. She said yes. I carried the pall to the crematorium and lit the pyre and performed the rituals,”. These are the words of Dr.Gopakumar from Kerala. It’s been not so long since we heard news about the death of […]

Today, we are celebrating the 109th birthday of Dr Virginia Apgar, an American obstetrical anesthetist. Dr Apgar was born on 7 June, 1909 in New Jersey, United States. She is known for her work in the fields of anaesthesiology and teratology, anesthetics and the study of abnormalities of psychological development in newly-born babies babies. Who […]

26-year-old Sabith was a fair-minded youth by all means. He was a plumber by profession and was very fond of animals and children. But it took  Nipah only a matter of time to snatch his dreams and life from him. We are talking about Sabith, the first victim of the deadly Nipah virus. Around May […]

Once a kid asked his dad, “Dad, If we can drink the milk produced by the cow, then why can’t we use urine too?” What the dad replied is not of much importance, because anyhow cow urine is being used for Medicinal purposes now. Yes. You heard it right. A media recently reported that “The […]