He works 14-15 hours a day. Daily, he attends at least 100 cancer patients, most of them across the country. But what makes him special is that this 71-year-old medical oncologist has 80 percent locomotor disability. While the Medical Council of India in its latest guidelines says that people with disabilities cannot pursue MBBS, Dr. […]
Recently, Loksabha has passed a bill seeking to replace the Central Council of Homeopathy(CCH) with a board of governors and for bringing accountability in the homeopathic education system. But, Homeopathy works in the law of similars. Despite the fact that there are not much-proven trials, it is the second largest funded category after Ayurveda under […]
Image courtesy: Mangalorean.com Mangalore based pediatrician has been selected for the Outstanding Asian Pediatrician award 2018. The award is given by Asia Pacific Paediatric Association for the outstanding contribution to the field of pediatrics. Along with India, the Asia Pacific Paediatric Association has 26 countries, including Australia, Japan, China, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, and […]
The Dental Council of India(DCI) can now hope for the best as the Medical Council of India has agreed to consider their proposal to introduce a bridge course for dentists that will allow them to practice as general physicians. According to DCI, this move will benefit both dental and general doctor professions. The senior officials […]
For the first time in India, the surgeons of Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences in Kochi, Kerala have successfully operated a fetus in the womb. The surgery was conducted on a 21-week-old fetus to correct the urine flow which was damaging its kidney. Doctors discovered the damage to the kidney of the fetus when the […]
From 2010, since she found out she carries cancer causing BRCA1 (BReast CAncer gene) mutation, she was determined not to pass on the cancer-causing oncogene to her children. Hence, with the help of all modern techniques, Bengaluru’s Swayam Prabha gave birth to twins who don’t carry the mutation, which is first of such case in […]
A team of doctors identified a rare blood group ‘called ‘pp’ or ‘P null’ phenotype for the first time in India. The blood group was identified by Dr. Shamee Shastry and her team from the blood bank of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. Besides the known A, B, and Rh antigens, there are more than […]
To be successful in any field, you need to be passionate towards the job you do. It is the passion that provides you with the will to undertake any risk. And if there is a will, you’ll find a way to achieve it. The story of Dr. Ashwathi Soman, a young physician from Manjeri, who […]
When Ridhima Ajmani, nicknamed as cherry was born on February 27th, her weight was 375g, which is less than a tin of baked beans. She was under constant medical support from the day she was born and now she is claimed to be South Asia’s smallest surviving baby. Cherry was born prematurely at just 25 […]
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