The country’s largest doctor’s body, Indian Medical Association(IMA) has demanded a comprehensive review, repeal and reconception of the Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, (PCPNDT), twenty-four years after its implementation. PCPNDT act was enacted to ban the misuse of sex-selective abortions and female foeticide. According to IMA, the act has miserably […]

A study published in the journal ‘Clinical Infectious Diseases’ suggests combination drug, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) can reduce the chance of HIV acquisition in high-risk groups by over 85 per cent. According to the study, making PrEP available to men who have sex with men (MSM) and people who inject drugs (PWID) in India may be […]

The Union health ministry may allow the private sector to use bedaquiline, a controlled-access drug used in the treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Since the drug has controlled access, bedaquiline is dispensed only by the government to people with MDR-TB. Now the health ministry jointly with the departments of health research, biotechnology and other […]

The Health Ministry has decided to reduce the cut-off marks for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for post-graduation (NEET-PG) by six percentile for the academic year 2019-20 itself. According to the new decision, general category candidates with a minimum mark of 44 percentile will now be eligible for admission to medical courses. Also, persons with […]

International Thalassaemia Day 2019 – Get inspired, get involved! This year’s theme is “Universal access to quality thalassaemia healthcare services: Building bridges with and for patients” The International Thalassaemia Day, celebrated annually on the 8th of May, is a commemoration day in honour of all patients with thalassaemia and their parents who have never lost […]

India is expected to meet the WHO norm of 1:1000 doctor-patient ratio by 2024. With the establishment of 2500 new hospitals proposed in the next five years, It is expected to create 2.5 million additional jobs in the health sector, thus attaining the WHO norm of one doctor for every 1000 patients, said Dr VK […]

The FDA announced the approval of Dengvaxia, the first vaccine approved for the prevention of dengue disease caused by all dengue virus serotypes (1, 2, 3 and 4) in people who have laboratory-confirmed previous dengue infection and who live in endemic areas. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Dengvaxia is a live, attenuated, tetravalent, chimeric virus vaccine, containing the […]

A recent study suggests that what we consider as a defining a symbol of the medical profession, might be harmful to us! According to the research, a doctor’s white coat can be a womb for dangerous bacteria. This can include pathogens linked to a number of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and drug-resistant bacteria. The findings of […]

The Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) has launched ‘Malaria Elimination Research Alliance (MERA)’ aiming to eliminate Malaria from India by 2030. The main aim of MERA, a conglomeration of partners working on malaria control, is to prioritize, plan and scale up research to eliminate the disease. The research would be conducted in a coordinated and […]

Vaccines work: We are protected together The theme of this year’s campaign is Protected Together: Vaccines Work!, and the campaign will celebrate Vaccine Heroes from around the world – from parents and community members to health workers and innovators – who help ensure we are all protected, at all ages, through the power of vaccines. […]