While the cases of coronavirus are still reiterating around the world, India has a piece of good news to share regarding one of its corona-positive patients. The patient zero of the country, a woman student from Thrissur, Kerala who returned from Wuhan, may soon get to go home. She is on the path of recovery […]

The novel coronavirus has affected 40,614 people and claimed 910 lives till now. While the virus is still hitting hard on the people, exceeding the death toll of the SARS outbreak of 2002, Tianjin University of China claims to have developed a diagnostic kit that can detect the virus in 15 minutes. According to a […]

2010 to 2020 was a decade of disease outbreaks. Several deadly diseases saw its dawn at period. Here are the five notable disease outbreaks of last decade. H7N9 Avian influenza – March 2013 A subtype of influenza virus, Avian Influenza-A flu or H7N9 was found in the birds in the past which was not […]

The deadly coronavirus has already unleashed havoc among the Chinese population. Now it has spread to at least 27 other countries. So far, India has reported three positive cases, all of which are from Kerala. While India has strengthened its efforts to identify the corona cases in the country, no other cases have been confirmed […]

The dengue patients have been battling a war with the same old weapon for years. But, all thanks to this doctor whose hard work has helped in detecting dengue at the early stage itself. Now, he got the reward for the contribution to healthcare in the form of India’s fourth-highest civilian award. Dr Navin Khanna, […]

As the coronavirus continues to create a serious impact on the lives of the people, the Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) is offering an ‘experimental repurposed drug’ for treatment of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus within the country. According to Dr Raman Gangakhedkar, the head of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases (ECD) division, ICMR, they started […]

While the Indian Healthcare system is in dire need of the specialist doctors, a decision by the Medical Council of India has created a stir across the cardiac care in India. According to the latest MCI decision, the ranks of cardiologists might be shrunk as the medical body has decided not to approve a post-graduate […]

The finance minister has presented the budget for 2019-20 on Saturday. This time, on the positive side, the government is trying to expand the affordability of healthcare in the country. Here are the key points from the budget, which can bring some changes in the health sector. ₹6,400 crore allocated for the Centre’s flagship health […]

As the doctors and scientists all over the world run searching for the exact cause and treatment of the deadly coronavirus, Thai doctors claim they’ve seen success in treating severe cases of the coronavirus with the combination of medications for flu and HIV. According to the doctors, the initial results show vast improvement in a […]

On the last day of last year, Chinese health authorities have reported a string of some infections in Wuhan. What followed was still a mystery. The reports on the number of infected people swiftly rose and adding to these, isolated cases of the infection appeared in other countries as well! The root cause of the […]