A new rule proposed by the Board of Governors(BoG), the Medical Council of India directs all the postgraduate medical students to serve in district hospitals for at least three months to be eligible to appear in the final exam. The BoG has written to the Health Ministry to develop guidelines for implementation of the proposal […]

In a breakthrough, scientists have identified that bacteria can change form to avoid being detected by antibiotics in the human body. The study is published in the journal ‘Nature Communication’. The World Health Organisation has identified antibiotic resistance as one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development. Studying samples from elderly […]

Researchers from National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) have found a cause of Alzheimer’s disease. The study is published in the Human Brain Mapping Journal in its latest issue. The clinical study has found that a protective molecule in the brain called Glutathione that neutralizes the effect of […]

On this day of 16th October, 173 years ago, W.T.G Morton made the first official successful demonstration of ether as an anaesthetic which heralded the era of the practice of anesthesiology and is celebrated as World Anaesthesia Day. And in the time since, the science and art of anaesthesia has evolved and advanced at a […]

The Union Health Ministry has finalised the 25 members of the National Medical Commission. The members have been selected through a draw of lots from the nominations sent by the State Governments, Union territories and State medical councils. Once the NMC starts operating, the MCI will automatically get dissolved and the nearly 63-year-old Indian Medical […]

A grieving father who was digging a grave for his stillborn baby girl in north India was shocked to find a newborn baby girl buried alive. Hitesh Kumar Sirohi, a trader from the rural Bareilly district in Uttar Pradesh state, was digging a pit to bury the body of his newborn daughter when he heard […]

In a first, the scientists have identified a new way to transport medication into the brain. According to the researchers, this could lead to improved treatments for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. The scientists, from Newcastle University, UK, have led an international team in a breakthrough in unlocking the secrets of how medications can infiltrate the […]

A new study has found that people with hypertension or type 2 diabetes could be at higher risk of death from stroke or heart disease if they slept for less than 6 hours per day. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. For the study, the researchers analyzed data of more […]

The researchers have developed an oral capsule that can deliver insulin and other drugs, that usually have to be injected to the lining of the small intestine and release them for uptake into the bloodstream. According to the study published in the journal ‘Nature Medicine’, many drugs, especially those made of proteins, cannot be taken […]

World Mental Health Day, on 10 October, is a day for us to unite in our efforts to improve the mental health of people around the world. The theme selected for this year’s Day is suicide prevention. Every 40 seconds someone loses their life to suicide. WHO is encouraging everyone to prepare to take “40 […]