The Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Madras, launched India’s first “indigenously designed” standing wheelchair which can enable a person with a disability to stand independently. The IIT has achieved this feat in collaboration with Phoenix Medical Systems. Known as “Arise”, the apparatus was designed by the TTK Centre for Rehabilitation Research and Device Development(R2D2) under the […]

Health authorities in Spain have confirmed the first-ever case of Dengue virus to be transmitted through sexual contact. The virus was thought to be transmitted only by mosquitoes until now. According to the health officials from Madrid Public Health Department, a 41-year-old man from Madrid contracted dengue after having sex with his male partner. The […]

Recently, a fake doctor was in the headlines for fraudulently working as a surgeon for the past ten years in Uttar Pradesh. He has been arrested when he went to police to complain about getting an extortion call. Similarly, in Maharashtra, a 38-year-old man had been practising as a doctor without qualifications for fifteen years in […]

Highlighting that India’s copycat drug sector is still plagued by quality issues amid rising global concern over tainted drug supplies, U.S. health care watchdog FDA has sent warning letters to three major Indian drugmakers in the last two months. According to the reports, three major Indian drugmakers – Cadila Healthcare, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals and Lupin are […]

Assaults on the doctors and other healthcare professionals have become a trend in our society. Not long before, a young intern of Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata suffered skull damage after a brutal attack in June. Now adding a new case to this trend, a postgraduate medico at Minto Ophthalmic Hospital […]

To become a doctor is a dream of many. But one can feel the real struggle when they jump to the environment of the medical college. It can take a toll on the mental health of the students. Considering the back-to-back incidences of medical students’ suicides and violence against resident doctors, Indian Medical Association(IMA), in […]

In a significant step towards creating grafts that are more like the natural skin, a team led by an Indian origin scientist has developed a novel way to 3D print living skin complete with blood vessels. The study is published in the journal Tissue Engineering Part A. Three-Dimensional printing or 3D bioprinting combine cells, growth […]

In what can be considered as a path-breaking development, The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) recently announced the conclusion of a six-month exercise of conducting a “whole-genome sequence” of 1,008 Indians. The genome project may result in path-breaking developments in the fight against rare diseases. The sequencing was done as a part of […]

A government report reveals that there is only one allopathic government doctor for every 10,926 people in India against the WHO’s recommended doctor-population ratio of 1:1000. The report was compiled by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI), the National Health Profile, 2019. According to the report, the number of registered allopathic doctors possessing recognised […]

The latest research challenges the notion suggested by a growing body of evidence that inflammation and depression are intimately linked. Their findings appear in the journal Psychological Medicine. Since the past few years, the idea that inflammation may be what drives and characterizes depression has been gaining more and more ground. For example, in 2015, found […]