Following days of strike, police brutality, arrests the BRIMS Doctors Association issued a Facebook post and Tweeted on Sep 4 to withdraw the strike The students at Bidar Institute of Medical Sciences (BIMS) Karntaka also presented a memorandum to Sri Dattatreya Patil, MLA of Gulbarga South to show that their demands still need to be […]

The rapid diagnostic test kits for dengue provides inaccurate results says the government. This statement comes at at time when the country’s capital has witnessed a sudden jump in dengue cases (upto 1,259). The government is monitoring the situation and as a result the rapid diagnostic test kits which are used for quick detection are […]

The Karnataka state government continues to harass government medical students by looking to enforce the compulsory rural service act, officially known as the Karnataka Compulsory Service Training by Candidates Completed Medical Courses Act (2012). Some doctors are voicing their concern and saying that the act is a punishment students are facing for lapses in government’s […]

NPR news featured section ‘Shots’ talks about how Google’s Life Sciences division is taking on the challenge of making life for diabetes patients easier via its latest innovation – a glucose measuring contact lens. Millions of people with diabetes prick a finger more than five times a day to monitor their blood glucose levels. It’s […]

India is all set to issue guidelines on antibiotics usage, with an aim to reduce misuse and inappropriate prescription. Mr. Rajesh Bhatia (Chief Scientific Advisor) to WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia said “A standard treatment guideline needs to be developed. I understand that India is ready with the guidelines and ready to issue it,” […]

Even as the KARD strike for demands that started on Aug 31, 2015 enters its 5th day; doctors have unified their efforts, taken Twitter by storm and are even conducting blood donation camps to prove a point that even in a strike they are working and contributing via the blood camp. The students continue to […]

In an exclusive Economic Times interview it has been revealed that multi-speciality hospital chain Narayana Hospitals under the able and watchful guidance of Dr. Devi Shetty is going public. The enterprise will be looking to balance its social agenda and outreach while being a ‘for profit’ organization answerable to investors. Why an IPO NH treats […]

Reports have emerged that 4 doctors have been arrested and medical students were lathi charged at Bidar Institute of Medical Sciences (BIMS) in Karnataka on September 1st. Students at the teaching hospital have taken to Twitter to report the events and also shared a timeline of the events that transpired over the last 24 hours- […]