Seven months after joining the MD program at Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) – Chandigarh; a female PG contracted TB, lost 9 kg and was forced to go on a month long break to recover. Not an isolated case, situation worse at emergencies This case is not an isolated one as – […]

A Syrian surgeon who said Indian doctors should ‘clean toilets, not practice medicine’, and claimed they would be the ‘downfall of the NHS’ has been struck off the medical register. Dr Ragheb Nouman, 52, also called a colleague an ‘Indian b******’ during an argument in front of patients at a hospital bus stop, but blamed his racist […]

Medical Council of India (MCI) has announced that it will no longer be making public the minutes of any of its ethics committee meetings. These are the meetins where medical negligence cases and cases of professional misconduct by doctors are heard. No minutes from ethics committee metings have been uploaded to the MCI website since […]

Students completing postgraduate degrees or diplomas in any faculty of the Goa Medical College (GMC) will have to compulsorily serve a three-year bond wherein the successful candidate will be required to work in a government hospital or any other medical institute under the public health department. Excuse of further studies – no more ! The […]

Mexico unveiled the world’s first approved dengue vaccine. The approval followed two years of clinical trials worldwide on more than 40,000 patients ! According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), “nearly 40 percent of the world’s population (3.9 billion people) is at risk of contracting dengue.” Around 400 million people in more than 128 countries […]

Chennai’s rains and floods were no match for city-based woman doctor Padma Priya who worked a 96 hour stretch to help deliver 17 babies at a private hospital. Dr Padma Priya who stayed at Apollo Speciality Hospital on OMR (Old Madras Road) since Friday (Dec 4) helped deliver 13 babies. By Sunday 17 healthy babies were […]
A spurt in number of cases of doctors being threatened, assaulted and even abducted for ransom has been reported from Bihar in the past two months. Fearing the return of dark times — between 1991 and 2005 when, according to statistics compiled by the IMA-Bihar, at least 38 doctors or their wards were kidnapped and […]

More than one in four doctors in the early stages of their careers have signs of depression, says a study. The study states harsh and gruelling years of training leading towards the medical job are to blame. This is not only bad for young doctors but also for the patients they see. Depressed doctors are […]

A recent survey carried out by National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru, has pointed out four reasons for the rise in medical litigation in India. These include greater consumer awareness, flexible consumer forums, cost of medical services, and consumers mindset to enter litigation, said Sairam Bhat, associate professor and coordinator, Distance education department, […]

Four pathologists have been charghseeted by the Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) after they were found allowing labs to use their name and manual or electronic signature in return for cash! All four doctors appeared for a hearing on Saturday in front of the MMC ethical committee. The panel moved to file the chargsheet against them for […]