We are happy to announce that we are part of Microsoft Ventures ! News here : http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/microsoft-ventures-launches-new-versions-of-its-start-up-acceleration-programme-115030401185_1.html DailyroundsMore Posts Follow Me: Send article as PDF
We are announcing our seed funding today ! We have raised a seed round from Kae Capita, Teruhide Sato (founder of Beenos) and GSF India. More to come soon…Kae has a strong mobile portfolio and the value Kae will bring on the table will be immense. “We are very excited to be part of the […]

In a recent event MCI (Medical Council of India) suspended 11 doctors for taking kickbacks from Intas Pharmaceutical company. The alleged doctors were sponsored for an International holiday trip to London and Scotland as a beneficiary act for prescribing medications belonging to the mentioned company. The case had been under analysis for over three years […]
“Unilateral serous otitis media in an elderly patient should raise suspicion of nasopharyngeal carcinoma”

• ACE inhibitors and ARBs have shown survival benefit in patients with chronic heart failure. • Sacubitril is a neprilysin inhibitor, which synergizes with RAS blockade by inhibiting breakdown of vasoactive peptides. • Sacubitril–Valsartan combination (LCZ696) has shown additional survival benefit when compared with ACE inhibitor enalapril alone. Sacubitril–Valsartan combination coded “LCZ696” successfully completed a […]

This week, our team met Dr.Devy Shetty of Narayana Hrudayalaya, inarguably the most reckoned doctor name in the country. DailyRounds will be joining hands with the Innovation team of Narayana at NH lead by Dr.Shetty to develop an ECG Rounds. Exiting times ahead ! DailyroundsMore Posts Follow Me: Send article as PDF
The month of July turned out to be a great one for DailyRounds. I was in Boston to meet Dr. Micheal Gibson, Harvard Professor in Cardiology and founder of WikiDoc (The evidence based Wikipedia of Medicine). He is a renowned author / publisher of 1000+ manuscripts. Contrary to the perception I had about senior doctors […]
The following Statement of Terms and Conditions (“Statement”) governs the usage of DailyRounds App from the DoctorsWhoTeach Team. Such services include, but are not limited to, journal email alerts, article viewing, and the submissions and referee servers. You must be 18 years old or older to create and use a DailyRounds account. You […]