The world never fancied touchscreen devices till Apple released the iPhone. There were many touchscreens in the market but what Apple did is “getting it the right way”. Now, the Internet Of Everything (IOT) is full of healthcare buzz and Apple has ResearchKit. Apple, the maker of some of the most popular consumer electronics in […]
A way to stimulate heart muscle cells to grow has been discovered by scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and the Victor Chang Institute in Sydney. Human blood, hair and skin cells renew themselves throughout life, but, cell division in the heart stops shortly after birth. However, animals like the salamander and […]
New technology has been found that will facilitate head transplantation. However, attempts to transplant a head began earlier. In 1970, Robert White, an American neurosurgeon, with his colleagues, successfully transplanted the head of a rhesus monkey on the body of another one, whose head had been removed. The monkey lived 8 days and was normal, […]

Yet another shameful attack on a doctor was caught on surveillance, this time, in Allahabad. Dr.Rohit Gupta is a well practiced Gastroenterologist associated with multiple hospitals, Maa Sharda Hospital and Shakuntala hospital, Allahabad. As he was visiting the ICU to see a patient who had just passed away, he was brutally beaten up by the […]
The only treatment for patients who have suffered from irreparable damage to internal organs or body tissue is donor organs or synthetic implants. But, these are quite often rejected. Implants based on autologous cells (cells obtained from the same individual) are more likely to be accepted but, these cells require a compatible structural framework in […]
Many med schools under the American Medical Association are seeing changes in what they are imparting to their students. Despite the dynamic character of medicine, medical training methods have remained static. Some of the top medical schools around US have realized the need to break down this frozen structure and find new ways to train […]
Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI), a growing problem worldwide that leads to thousands of fatalities every year can be treated successfully by Fecal Microbial Transplantation (FMT). FMT involves collecting fecal matter from a donor, purifying and mixing with saline solution before placing it in the patient via colonoscopy. As opposed to standard antibiotic therapies which disrupt […]
Indiana University School of Medicine researchers, Dr. Vreeman and Dr. Carroll, explored some commonly held medical beliefs or rather medical myths. The research, entitled “Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe” was published in the British Medical Journal. The researchers extensively searched medical literature and found no evidence to support these myths, but many doctors believed them. […]
Stringent quality and price monitoring is to be lined up by the government for stents, catheters, MRI machines and other such medical devices. Separate regulator and law to keep a check on diagnostic equipment, implants as well as hospital equipment available in the country has been recommended by an inter-ministerial task force on medical devices. […]
Using alternating doses of antibiotics – ‘sequential treatments’, might be an effective treatment against bacterial infection. Researchers from the University of Exeter have shown that the risk of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics can be reduced using this technique and thus, drugs will remain effective for a longer term. Treatments with two antibiotics, at certain […]