World’s largest kidney weighing about 2.75Kg and about the size of neonate removed by Indian doctors
A 45 year old man, whose whereabouts are not revealed joined the Guinness book of world records for the world’s largest kidneys. He visited Delhi’s prestigious Sir Ganga Ram Hospital(SGRM) in March, with complaints of severe abdominal pain, blood in urine and high fever. Surgeons advised for an ultrasound scan, which revealed a shocking surprise, […]
Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero had claimed that he has developed a technique to carry out the world’s first human head transplant. Eminent transplant specialist from India, Dr. Subramania Iyer has trashed the idea due to lack of evidence. In an article to Zee news he says, “No evidence has been available through animal experiments that […]
Maharashtra government is keen to convert an ordinance relating to private unaided medical colleges into a law soon. But the move might see obstacles as the union representing the later is planning to approach the court. What’s the ordinance about? Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Education Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Fees) Ordinance, 2015 covers all […]

The daughter of the gastroenterologist from Allahabad, who was beaten up recently has come out against the attack strongly in a facebook post. The video of the assault was also posted on YouTube. “My father was assaulted on the morning of the 12th of April.By the attendants of his patient who had died inside a […]
Researchers have found that people with multiple sclerosis can be protected from the effects of an associated eye condition, acute optic neuritis, with a drug commonly taken to prevent seizures in people with epilepsy. Acute optic neuritis is an inflammation of the nerve that carries visual information from the eye to the brain. Half of people with […]
A new study suggests that broccoli sprout extract could be protective against head and neck cancer. People who are cured of head and neck cancer are still at very high risk for a second cancer in their mouth or throat, and these second cancers are commonly fatal. So researchers are now developing a safe, natural […]
A collaborative study by an international team of researchers at German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) revealed that neurons in the eye change on the molecular level when they are exposed to prolonged light. The innate neuronal property might be utilized to protect neurons from degeneration or cell death […]
In a recent study, researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine analyzed saliva of cirrhosis patients to predict which ones would suffer inflammations and require hospitalization. This uncovered a new target for research into the disease. An age old signal of inflammation in those with cirrhosis has been the breakdown of defenses in the […]
An international group of researchers reported at the European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC) in Geneva, Switzerland, that cancer DNA circulating in the bloodstream of lung cancer patients can provide doctors with vital mutation information that can help optimize treatment when tumor tissue is not available. Sometimes, tumors are not available for testing via standard methods […]
Inappropriate and overuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of drug-resistant strains and superbugs – a major public health problem that is in urgent need of solutions. Now, a team of researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, suggest that one solution may lie in the sap of Maple trees. Phenolic compounds play an […]