Another milestone for India, our country has reached its goal of eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. “Significant public health milestone”, the experts said. The World Health Organization said that the elimination of neonatal tetanus is defined as “less than one case in 1000 live births” in every district across the country. Crossover barriers As part […]

Adding one more to the book of assaults, a renowned gynecologist in Haridwar was beaten blue & black giving her a facial scar. All this happened when she declared an IUD, and is it her fault? Doctors are being assaulted and abused with no one to hear their plea. The gynecologist assaulted was Dr Manpreet […]

Will you as a doctor want another qualifying exam to certify that you are worthy enough to practice anywhere in India? Even if your answer is no, you may be forced to take it up as the government is mulling it to make a criteria for post graduate admissions also. But the immediate attention of such […]

ANATOMY 1)Musculocutaneous from wht cord of brachial plxs lateral cord posterior cord 2)transpyloric plane of addison is a horizontal line halfway between the jugular notch and the upper border of the pubic symphysis . It cuts through : Bifurcation of Aorta Inferior vena cava pierces through diaphragm Ureters enter bladder Superior Mesentric artery […]

The safety of doctors in India is significantly deteriorating where incidents of physical abuse come under the limelight and sadly, most number of cases even go unreported. An act called the Medical Protection Act has come to the rescue and our country is taking a step forward to harness protection to our doctors through […]

A common misconception of the caduceus as the symbol of medicine, instead of the staff of Asclepius, has entwined itself into minds of many as it is used relatively more commonly, especially in the US. The twin serpent, winged staff – Caduceus The caduceus is the staff of Greek God Hermes. It is winged with […]

This article is reproduced with permission from Dr. Roshan Radhakrishnan – an Anaesthesiologist. Friend. Foodie. Occasionally published here and there. Aquarian. Winner of the “Best Creative Writing Blog in India” award. He blogs at http://www.godyears.net/ The present article is a follow-up article of Why I will never allow my child to become a doctor in India. Dr. Roshan Radhakrishnan has focussed […]

An Indian American scientist Sanjay Basu from Stanford University and his team has found that widespread diabetes screening in India is ineffective and glucometer-based screening tools are unlikely to meet effectiveness criteria. For the new study, the researchers developed a micro-simulation model – a computer model that operates at the level of individuals – to investigate the […]

A blog post from earlier this month that criticized a medical resident in Mexico for sleeping on the job has led to a social media movement with doctors defending their long hours and need for rest. Earlier this month, a medical resident in Mexico fell asleep on the job while doing paper work. A blog […]