War In Syria: Pregnant woman & baby survive shrapnel wounds thanks to emergency C-Section
Syrian doctors were able to save a pregnant woman and her baby after arriving at a local hospital with shrapnel wounds, CNN reported.
Amira, was with three of her children in Aleppo, Syria — the country’s capital city most torn by its 5-year-long civil war when a missle strike hit their home. Amira’s children didn’t sustain any many injuries, but she suffered shrapnel wounds on her face and body. She was nine months pregnant at the time of the attack.
Amira and her family rushed to the hospital, where she arrived looking “sad and confused,” Mashfa al Midani Hospital spokesman Abu Louie told CNN. “She was surrounded by her three wounded kids, (and) she was bleeding from several parts of her body including her belly,” he said.
Doctors acted quickly to conduct an emergency C-section only to find that the baby had a piece of shrapnel lodged in her forehead, just above her left eye. Luckily, doctors were able to remove it and Amira and her newborn Amel, which is Arabic for “hope,” are reportedly recovering well.
“We don’t know if the baby girl saved her mother from this shrapnel or the mother saved her baby” a doctor told CNN
Stories like these show us how doctors strive to restore human life even in tough circumstances. Let’s take a moment to salute these brave doctors for helping restore a life and may this motivate us to be ‘better doctors’ today, tomorrow and always!
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Original Post: CNN News (Medical Daily)